My favourite drawing supplies
Hoi! Since I have uploaded a post on my Instagram about my drawing essentials I thought of explaining them a bit more. This would be the ones that I carry with me when I’m on vacation or out from my studio. (beware of my potato English)
But if you want a more tips and tricks tutorial, you can download for free the one on my Gumroad.
1. The basics
Let’s start with the ones that never leave my side: pencil, eraser and sketchbook.
- Mechanical pencil: I been using a Tombow YulaSha with Color Eno 0’7 leads, pink or red.
- Eraser: by far the best one I’ve found is the Faber Castell Dust-free. It doesn’t leave any residue and erases like a charm.
- Sketchbook: as always I carry a Midori MD, the one with the blank pages. They are perfect for sketching and colouring with Copics. The ink goes bleeds through the page quite a lot though, that’s why I also have a piece of cardboard with it.
Also since I draw the lineart with the Polychromos colour pencils I use a Muji sharpener. It has never failed me and it’s pretty handy!
2. Copic markers
I only use Copic Ciao, because the quality is the exact same one that the Copic Sketch and they are cheaper. I try to avoid buying them on packs and just picking the colours I need for my palette.
If you need good swatches you can check the official Japanese website. Also, you can find and Instagram post where I explain how to make your own markers palette.
The ones I took with me where:
- G21 Lime Green ✨
- G02 Spectrum Green
- YR000 Silk
- E33 Sand ✨
- R02 Rose Salmon
- BV000 Iridescent Mauve
✨Fave tones
3. Promarkers
Promarkers are my favourite brand, not as popular as Copic and don’t have as many colours, but the quality and price are amazing.
The ones that never leave my side are:
- V528 Orchid
- R519 Pale pink ✨
- M428 Blossom
- R438 Cocktail pink
- Y418 Ivory ✨
- O949 Pastel yellow ✨
- O739 Saffron
- O535 Cocoa
- O528 Tan
- O427 Cinnamon
- WG1 Warm Grey 1
4. Kurecolor & Montana
The last ones but not least are the Kurecolor and Montana (or 94 Graphic Markers). I really like their quality but they are pretty difficult to find and the cap colours never coincide with the actual colour.
The only ones I own and that I need to find a substitute for are:
- 340 Haze Blue (Kurecolor)
- 341 Shadow Mauve (Kurecolor)
- R171 (Montana) ✨
Hope you find it useful! You usually tell me that you like my colour palettes, so here you have them!
Till the next one!